Having people around us for all life’s up and downs, the big things and the small is important. At Kellyville Anglican, we want people to be found in community – in every season.
Are you looking for company? A listening ear? A place to go, relax, and be known by others? We have spaces for our seniors to meet, connect, catch up and journey through life together – just as we were created to.
Each Monday morning join us for The Bridge. A place to go and enjoy coffee, games and activities. But even more than that, it is place to connect and build friendships – that’s why we call it The Bridge!
Mondays / 9:45am – 12:00noon
Contact the office on 02 9629 6255 if you’d like any more information.
Senior's Breakfast
Our seniors meet regularly for either a Men’s or Women’s breakfast at a local cafe. These times of community are a great chance to catch-up, enjoy a coffee, share a laugh and hear from one of our community about their walk with Jesus.
To find out the date of the next breakfast please contact the office on 02 9629 6255.